Meet the creative visionary, James Davis II, affectionately known as "JD2." Nestled amidst the vibrant canvas of Southern California, JD2 defies the ordinary realm of photography; he's an artistic powerhouse weaving compelling narratives through his lens.
As a true luminary in both directing and photography, JD2 effortlessly melds his artistry into enchanting music videos, captivating brand narratives, and photography that transcends the norm. His influence knows no limits, gracing prestigious stages such as Times Square and the esteemed platform of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. Chances are, you've encountered his masterpieces on notable channels like MTV, E! Television, Disney Channel, VH1, and REVOLT TV, just to name a few.
With collaborations spanning across a diverse spectrum of celebrities, from Jon “BONES” Jones, Chris Brown to Usher, Chandler Moore, Kim Walker Smith, Davido, Walshy Fire of Major Lazer, Lara Trump, Prophet Lovy Elias, Pharrell Williams, and more, JD2's artistic prowess lies in capturing the very essence of emotions within each frame. Effortlessly traversing genres and industries, he leaves behind a legacy of boundless growth and unwavering excellence.
But JD2's talents don't stop at the lens. He has transformed his creative vision into reality as the founder and owner of "The Space OC," a photography studio nestled in the heart of Orange County, CA. As you step into his world, you're invited to embark on a journey that embraces emotions, memories, and an unparalleled level of creativity that knows no confines.